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How to get the most out of your laughter practice

Remember it's your choice to Laugh

You may feel awkward at first. Be clear on the fact that this is exercise and not comedy. Just laugh, when you want to, because you can. Do not judge the quality of your laughter, and drop your misconception that fun is frivolous. Laughter is neither an extra nor a reward; it’s a necessity. If your mind complains because what you do is not funny or you don’t feel in the mood, thank it for sharing. Choosing to laugh is not meant to be funny in the first place, and you do not need to feel good to do it. You will be invited to simulate genuine laughter in an effort to stimulate the chemistry that comes with it. Making laughter a conscious choice creates an open and positive frame of mind, and will help you with your practice.

Remember to play

Laughter is serious business, but don’t be too serious about it. Play with it! Once you learn to play, you don’t have to laugh. Laughter becomes a natural outcome of your playful behaviors.

Follow your heart, but take your brain with you

If you suffer from anything complicated, advanced, acute, severe, unstable or uncontrolled, then you should get written permission from your doctor before doing anything, including laughing.


Stop immediately if anything becomes painful or uncomfortable, even to the slightest degree. When in doubt always ask a medical professional before engaging in laughter or any other kind of exercise regime.

Remember to Enjoy

Enjoy everything you do. Respect your own limitations, and take it very easy. A smile is as good as a laugh if that is all that is available to you in that moment.

Remember to drink water

Laughing dehydrates. It may not be much, but considering that many people are chronically dehydrated, sometimes even a little can be too much. If you experience some heaviness in the head or mild to moderate headaches after laughter, that could be a warning sign. Always listen to your body. Be gentle next time…and drink more water!

Believe so that you can create

Approach this practice with an open mind. Believe it can work. Simulate what you must with sincere enthusiasm. When you simulate laughter you have two options: either you get into it or you don’t. If you do it with passion and enthusiasm, you end up with a natural high. It doesn’t matter whether you’re happy or sad when you run or swim for a full sixty minutes. You will feel good afterwards, and that’s not negotiable. It’s the same with laughter. If you decide to just mildly do it, then it may be entertaining but you will have missed a big opportunity to tap into your own cellular pharmacy and get in touch with the essence of your soul.


Doing and trying are very different from one another. “Doing” involves the whole of you to the best of your abilities. It has nothing to do with success and everything to do with the determination to succeed. It’s not about resources but about resourcefulness. “Trying” on the other hand is cheap and leads you to give up at the first significant obstacle.



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