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what is prana?

The word "Prana" originates from
the Sanskrit language and means
"Life" or "Spirit"

What is prana

Prana is the energy that moves the universe and keeps all of its creatures alive and healthy.

It refers to a universal life force, a hidden form of energy, that exists in all living things, animals, plants, even air, sunlight, earth, sky, rocks, etc. All living things absorb prana through sunlight, air, and earth. Their health and wellbeing depend on the amount of prana in them. 

Solar Prana exists in the sunlight. Sunbathing, sungazing and drinking water charged or exposed to sunlight are all good ways to absorb it. 

Air Prana exists in the ground. It can be absorbed through the minor chakras or pressure points located on the soles of our feet. A simple way to do it is walking barefoot on the ground. 

Ground Prana exists in the sunlight. Sunbathing, sungazing and drinking water charged or exposed to sunlight are all good ways to absorb it. 



What is pranic healing?

What is Pranic Healig

Pranic healing is a powerful technique of energy healing without using physical touch, and can be done in person or distantly. Pranic healing is an effective healing method based on one key principle – that the body has the natural ability to self-repair or self-heal. 

The two pillars of pranic healing are two essential laws:

The first law is the law of self-recovery. 

The second one is the law of prana or life energy. 

As a science, pranic healing studies our energetic anatomy. There is an energy field that surrounds every being. Some call it the energy body, the etheric body, the bioplasmic body, or the aura. Unfortunately, there are many things in life that can disturb our aura. Things like sadness, loneliness, fear, stress and anxiety and our environment all affect our luminous energy field in negative ways. As our physical and energy bodies are interconnected, what affects one, affects the other, too. Consequently, we can develop long-lasting physical and psychological issues. 

Pranic Healing heals the etheric (energy) body which serves as a protective layer covering the physical body.

Any dark thought or unhealthy emotion gets in contact with this aura first, before manifesting itself in the physical body.

It often happens that certain physical symptoms can’t show up in a medical report because the illness or disease has come in contact with the person’s aura but hasn’t yet touched the physical body. 

Maintaining our inner balance and keeping our body/mind in good shape requires implementing healthy habits and taking good care of this energy body. This ancient art of healing helps us identify problems and eliminate them while cleansing our aura and restoring its balance. 

how does pranic healing work?

Practitioners channelize the life force or prana around us and use it to heal our minds and bodies.

The healer acts as a channel or medium while the energy acts as a healing tool. Pranic Healing involves scanning the human aura to detect the imbalances of energies, known as energetic congestion and depletion.


Cleansing techniques are used to remove negative energy and to loosen up stuck energies. Energizing techniques are used to improve the flow of energy and strengthen the aura and the chakras. Once the aura and chakras are balanced, clean and strong, the health of the body improves.

The energy body has 11 major chakras. They control and energize our vital organs and affect our mental and spiritual wellbeing. Pranic healing helps cleanse, stabilize, and energize all the major chakras and various minor ones when needed. Cleansing helps remove the unhealthy energy from the person’s body and eliminates blockages in the energy channel so it can soak up fresh energy coming from the healer. 

Cleanse your Aura &
   Balance your Chakras           

An aura cleanse involves cleansing and energizing individual chakras and cutting etheric cords that drain our energy.

This can be done in person or in the comfort of your own home!

Cleansing the aura helps in achieving inner stillness and thus allows one to communicate with one’s higher soul. Any normal person’s aura is usually filled with inner noise that consists of various emotion clouds and thought forms. 


Meditation on Twin Hearts aids in flushing out much of the inner noise as it activates the heart chakra or anahata chakra and the crown chakra or sahasrara chakra, allowing Divine energy or spiritual energy to descend.

Aura cleansing is thus essential if one seeks to master the art of achieving inner stillness.  


what can you expect during a pranic healing session?

The first session will last approximately 60 minutes and requires no special involvement on your part. This session can be done either in person or will be done remotely via zoom. Sometimes people fall asleep, it's ok if that happens. Most people simply appreciate the opportunity to relax and receive the energy.

The experience is different for each client.

You can choose to include ceremonial cacao with your pranic healing to help enhance your ability to be receptive.

what can you expect after a pranic healing session?

You may experience unexpected emotions as the energy continues to work its way through all the blockages in your energy body. This may manifest as crying, sleeping more, feeling tired, or, on the other hand, feeling a lightness or extremely energized.

Please follow these guidelines after your session:

  1. Preferably do not wash or shower 12-24 hours after sessions. This further allows the assimilation of energy in the emotional and physical body.

  2. Eat light meals and abstain from red meats for 12-24 hours. Red meat requires much energy to digest.

  3. Try to rest after the session. Although it is not necessary.

  4. Keep your thoughts and actions focused positively. This allows the healing energy to be more fully absorbed. Mentally repeating the affirmation “I completely, deeply, permanently accept all the healing energy, Thank You” several times throughout the next two days can also assist the process.

  5. Begin taking salt baths on a regular basis if your ailment is severe. At least 2-3 times a week. This cleanses the energy field around the body, helping it to stay cleaner and healthier, which can accelerate the rate of healing.
    To take a salt bath: Use 1-2 pounds of regular table salt. It doesn't have to be expensive sea salt. Dissolve the salt in a bath of water. Fill tub enough to cover entire body. If you have lavender essential oil, add 30 drops to the bath. Set the intention to dissolve all unwanted energy from your energy field. Soak for 15-20 minutes and follow with a regular shower to wash off the salt water.

  6. Practice the Meditation on Twin Hearts. This meditation will help you to maintain the work that we’ve done. It will continue the cleansing and healing process, as well as facilitate a state of peace and clarity.

some of the sensations people have experienced


Temperature changes

“Tingling” sensations

Sensing light pressure or heat

Sensing something like an electrical current

Seeing colors, lights or images

Feeling very relaxed/sleepy

Like a load has been lifted from them

Very clear mentally

Feeling lighter 

what physical ailments can be improved using pranic healing?

Pranic Healing is very effective in treating many physical ailments. Based on the testimonials, a great number of physical ailments have shown tremendous improvements by applying Pranic Healing including, but not limited to

Migraine Headaches


Common Colds




Back Pain

High Blood Pressure




Not sure if Pranic Healing is right for you? Book a discovery call and we will discuss how Pranic Healing can support you!

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