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Ceremonial Cacao

What to know
before attending
your first cacao ceremony

Come with an open mind

you don’t have to be "spiritual", into healthy things or chocolate connoisseur to participate in a cacao ceremony. There no formal attire to wear during a cacao ceremony so dress comfortably..

Come without expectations

Embrace what may seem uncomfortable to be comfortable. Because you being present is all that is needed. Simply come if you want some time to self-explore and over time, you will find that you were meant to receive what you needed at that night.  Consistency and practice is always the key when going to this. 

Come with a very light stomach or empty stomach.

If you are new to this, come eating something very light.  For those that are used to fasting and cleansing, come with an empty stomach.  Cacao is very filling so drinking and eating cacao will start to stimulate your nervous system. 

Be ready to be barefoot

As a sign of humility and respect, be ready to take your shoes off before entering the sacred place that is created. Some believe that exposing your feet represents exposing your soul.

Turn off your phone

Cacao ceremonies can last anywhere from 1 to 2 hours or more. Take a break from being on your phone and allow yourself to be present.

Be ready to drink cacao with little to no sugar

The person leading the ceremony will guide you on how to enjoy the bitterness...  If you are cringing as the chocolate melts on your tongue, allow the beauty of the alkaloids of chocolate give you the energy that you need.  Instead of thinking that this tastes gross or you're not use to the taste, observe why you don't like it and what does it trigger in your body? Let the chocolate sit there, because maybe you do enjoy it.  Think of it like exercising or stretching.  You don't like it, but after awhile, it's a good pain and good discomfort that reminds you that you're working your body to reach its optimum.  If you're coming into a cacao ceremony thinking that you're going to be on a Sugar High - you've signed up for the wrong thing. This is Medicine, not Candy. 

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